If you need to let someone else have access to Google Tag Manager – whether that be a freelance developer or a colleague – then you can accomplish this in less than 30 seconds. Just follow the simple steps below.
Decide the Level of Access
Firstly, figure out whether you want to give access to another user at the Account or the Container level. The main difference here is hierarchy; an account can have many containers within it.
Most websites will probably only have one account and one container within that, so it won’t make a huge difference, but if you have multiple containers or need to be a bit stricter with security then you might want to restrict access to a single container.
Option 1: Give Access to a Container
To give access to your container to another user, go into your chosen container and click the Admin menu item towards the top left of the screen.

You’ll then want to click ‘User Management’ from the ‘Container’ menu on the right-hand side of the main area.

This will bring up the permissions view.
Here you’ll want to click the blue plus (+) button at the top right of the screen and choose ‘Add users’ from the options that drop down from there.

This will bring up the ‘Send invitations’ view (see below).
Here you’ll want to do 3 things:
- Enter in the email address belonging to the user that you want to invite.
- Choose the level of permissions you want to give them for your container (increasing levels of access from Read > Edit > Approve > Publish).
- Click the blue ‘Invite’ button at the top right of the screen.

Once you’ve sent the invite you should return to the container permissions view and see that the invitation is pending.
The user will receive their invite via the email address that was used. When the user accepts, they now have access to your Google Tag Manager container. Awesome!
Option 2: Give Access to an Account
If you want to give access at the Account level, the steps are very similar.
Instead of clicking ‘User Management’ under the Container area on the right of the Admin screen, click the same option under the Account area on the left.

Then it’s the same process.
- Click the blue plus (+) button.
- Click ‘Add users’.
- Enter the email address of the user.
- Choose the level of permissions.
- Click the blue ‘Invite’ button.
- The user then receives an email invite.
If you follow the steps above, you will be able to give access to your either your GTM Account or Container to another user.